Top 10 Best Pillows for Neck Pain You Didn’t Know Your Pillow Could Do for You

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5. Cool Pillows

5. Cool Pillows

Some people sweat at night even though it’s not that warm, tossing and turning and constantly changing positions. When that happens, the pillows and blankets fly away and you wake up with a sore neck because of the absence of the pillow. Well, cool pillows actually help in decreasing the chances of sweating at night. These cool pillows have this special kind of filling of tiny “beads” that absorb and take away heat. When you sleep, you don’t toss and turn anymore and feel heat building up. You’ll start to always feel the cold side of the pillow and keep that position you want.


One Response

  1. Matthew Brown

    July 5, 2013 11:19 am

    Right now lots of people are suffering from neck pain related problem and you have provided very good information about all kind of pillows. Cervical pillows will help us in getting better naps without any pain in the morning.


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